
Translate your vision into reality


Translate your vision into reality
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Style and design are the two processes that bring a garden into being. Designing a garden without knowing your style is like taking a long journey without a map.

When deciding what to do with your garden you first need to know what you are going to use it for, and how you want it to look. These decisions lead you to thinking about how you would like it to be designed.

Garden design begins with the creation of a layout.

A layout is a one dimensional drawing that shows how the area of ground is going to be planned in terms of size, scale and dimension.

The layout contains the fundamental decisions pertaining to what is going to happen in the space, and what accessories, furniture and features will be included.

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Style my Garden will enable you to develop your own vision, for your own space.

Understanding the style that you prefer – and the elements that make it up – will help you to discover how you would like your own garden designed. Style my Garden will help you to realise the garden of your dreams.

Continue your personal style adventure!

Download the Style My Garden eBook for only £3.99 and carry on your journey of discovery into new territory.

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