
Discover your garden style personality


Discover your garden style personality

Imagine for a moment that you have the opportunity to design a garden from scratch. With that space in mind, answer the following questions by selecting the option that is closest to how you feel about your ideal garden.

Remember, you can only pick one answer per question, but the only ‘right’ answer is the one that makes sense to you.

Have fun!

Q1  What are your favourite colours?

(Pick one answer from the following responses)

Q2  What style of garden furniture do you like?

(Pick one answer from the following responses)

Q3  What style of garden lighting do you like?

(Pick one answer from the following responses)

Q4  What kind of fixed garden features appeal to you?

(Pick one answer from the following responses)

Q5  Which kind of hard landscaping features do you like?

(Pick one answer from the following responses)

Q6  Which kind of soft landscaping features do you like?

(Pick one answer from the following responses)

Q7  Which of the following water features would you like best in your garden?

(Pick one answer from the following responses)

Q8  What is the most important function of your garden?

(Pick one answer from the following responses)