
...the essence of you


...the essence of you
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Are you a romantic, in love with life itself, for whom texture, scent and sound enrich each experience?

Or do you find that the clean lines and pared-down feel of a minimalist aesthetic fill you with the serenity you need?

Or perhaps you feel most at home in a glamorous environment, where bold shapes and colours are accentuated by theatrical or vibrant lighting?

Personality is the essence of you, and who you are.

Your personality affects how you think, feel and behave, and is part of what makes you a unique human being.

Your personality is connected to what you value in life.

Your core values drive your life in terms of work, leisure and lifestyle. When your outdoor space – it’s layout, landscaping, plants and furniture – reflects your own personality, this enriches your experience and enjoyment of your home and your leisure time.

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The Style my Garden questionnaire together with the book are the tools you need to discover what you truly like in terms of garden style, and how to implement this knowledge to best effect in your garden.

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